As promised, [Joe Grand] has uploaded the schematics from his part of last night’s episode of Prototype This. The gadget monitors the chauffeur of a demo derby vehicle as well as shuts it off if he becomes as well enraged. He’ll be posting schematics for every episode as they’re released. The truly fascinating thing is ... Read More

Going digital with app for Your products or services

Nowadays, mobile apps are used for all possible reasons including buying clothes, learning languages, reading or listening to books and even finding love. all of these activities are possible now owing to the efforts of the app developers putting their time and knowledge in bringing certain products and services closer to customers. Thus, we as ... Read More

FACE tracking IN OPERA

influenced by this year’s april fools day joke from Opera, [Jason] has made facial gesture recognition really work. While this may seem like a silly project, it might seriously assist some people out. This might be a fantastic accessibility tool for people with motor manage limitations.He specifies that it has some issues right now, most ... Read More

TUIO MULTITOUCH ON iphone via browser HACK

When the MSAFluids Remote multitouch app was rejected, a developer found a way to get virtually the same effect using a safari App. They’re using the TUIO protocol to get the desired remote control. This opens up the door to extending Applications through the browser as well. While this probably wouldn’t allow you to utilize ... Read More


visitor [Mike Y] responded to our “What are you working on?” post  with his stereo FM transmitter project. If you’ve ever utilized an FM transmitter for your portable audio, you understand that even the very best consumer level ones can be difficult to make noise decent. He acquired an NS73M FM Transmitter module from Niigata ... Read More


[Jay Freeman] has a rather exhaustive tutorial on exactly how to set up a Debian atmosphere on your T-Mobile G1. The very first major problem with this is that getting root level gain access to with telnetd is being patched. It definitely is a safety and security problem that needs to be fixed, however a ... Read More

GAMECUBE WITH developed IN screen

due to our recent rash of Nintendos stuffed into other Nintendos, we are delighted to show a Nintendo mod job that breaks type as well as makes something marginally useful.  [Sami] added an LCD to his GameCube, as well as made it look great too.  connected to the top of the GameCube, it hinges at ... Read More


Ahhh space. The final frontier. While numerous people dream of someday ending up being an astronaut (and potentially battling aliens or cylons), it’s a choose few who really make it their reality. thankfully for us, there’s a middle ground that enables the masses to still have some fun in the sky. go into the “Pongsat” ...


This is the worlds largest known visual binocular. Why binocular and not just a regular telescope? Well, it all has to finish with clarity. apparently when you can use both eyes, you can see much much more detail and pick up light better. The author states in one story that he was able to see ...